Monday, November 21, 2011

In Jesus Name

Whenever we ask God for anything in Jesus’ name, Jesus says to us, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.” This means that in your prayer for healing, when you say “in Jesus’ name”, healing comes over your sick body because it is by His stripes that you are healed. (1 Peter 2:24) In your prayer for protection, when you say “in Jesus’ name”, you are kept safe because the blood of Jesus protects and delivers you from evil. (Exodus 12:13)

Beloved, the good name of your family cannot save you. Your pastor’s name cannot save you. Even the name of the latest medical breakthrough cannot save you. Only one name under heaven can save you — Jesus! And the good news is that His name in Hebrew, Yeshua, means salvation — healing, preservation, wholeness, wellness, provision, prosperity, safety and deliverance for you and your family!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Already have It!

We do not need to pressure God into doing something. God is Spirit, therefore we have to see into the spirit world. In the Spirit, God chose us before he created the world. Through anticipation God created (supplied everything this world would ever need.

Paul prayed (Eph. 1: 15-23): Lord give them revelation of what you've already done in all wisdom and prudence-already have wisdom praying that you bring our this wisdom. Holy Spirit giving you revelation-hope of God's calling: potential of the believer.

We are partakers of the ministry of Jesus Christ (everyone has been called to participate)

Many rejet these teachings because they use God as an excuse or the reason for their ineffective Christian life; blame God).

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jesus and the Cross

We have one object of faith, Jesus...the cross is where Jesus paid for our sin, broke the curses, regain the blessing of Abraham. We have the blessing if we are in Christ...what Christ has, we have...the cross is where the transaction took place...without the cross and the shedding of Jesus blood nothing would be possible...the world would still be in sin.

Jesus paid for everything...He did all the work so we would be able to enjoy a relationship with the Father...we do not have to do works in order for God to have a relationship with us... our doing should be acts of love and gratitude; not so we can work towards salvation. Salvation is awarded through your acceptance of what Jesus did, not what you can do!! We can't do enough to earn our salvation thus establishing a relationship with God.

Roman 1:16
1 Cor. 1:18; 23
Gal. 6:17
Romans 6: 3-5
Col 2: 14-15
Eph. 2: 13-18

Rest in the finish work on the Cross!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Season of Loose Souls

It has been what we humans call a crazy 2 weeks. No where in the history of this life have I witnessed or was aware of so much wickedness in the world. Trying to maintain a level of balance within the maze of life is challenging. Because it is challenging, there remains a choice. We don't have to deal with the craziness, we can simply snip at life and piece together the fragments if we want to. There are fragments all over the earth and frankly one grows weary of picking up raggety lives. Oh Well!!